Book Highlight: Black Widow Duology

The Black Widow duology came out back in 2016 which I believe was the original timeline for the Black Widow movie premiere. But of course it got pushed back until 2019 so these books brought the hype very early and you can see some evidence of their movie inspiration in the pages.

As one can guess from the title the main plot point of the books concern with the infamous Red Room. The Russian academy that trained highly skilled assassins through brainwashing and known for torture, homocide, sterilization and other deeds. It is where Natasha practically grew up, and it is where her red ledger stems from as she dedicates her knowledge of espionage in her new career as superhero.

There’s no Yelena (though she appears in the second book for a cameo) rather there is Ava Orlova who was experimented by the military though that past is hazy. All she really remembers is how Black Widow saved her and how bored she is with her current life in SHIELD’s protective custody. However, their mysterious past is tied up with the Red Room reunite them as girls all over Eastern Europe go missing. Suspiciously timed with the disappearence of Red Room tech, so when Ava runs off to investigate, they end up teaming up to save the world.

Honestly, if you’re looking for more Natasha backstory, this one is sort of vague. But then again, I’m not a big Marvel buff so maybe the Natasha chapters revealed some great insights into her mind. But even so, she still felt closed off and reserved even within her inner monologue. I guess she feels better not thinking about those things she did in the Red Room, but it sure felt like a let down.

Ava was the real main character of the books, and because it’s YA, it had the classic plot of newbie figuring things out, making mistakes, getting into trouble, bonding with mentor. It was all the same thing with a Marvel gloss.

The second book has more superheroics than espionage which I suppose Marvel fans will enjoy, spy fans may not depending on your taste. It has more action and more traveling plus more Avengers cameos like Iron Man and Captain Marvel.

If you’re a Black Widow fan, you’ll probably enjoy the books though don’t expect any major revelations as they were probably saving it for the movie.

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