Nancy Drew ReRead P3

Now onto the vacation series, otherwise known as #30-40 more or less. This was a very exciting set as it combines my favorite book trope, travelling with Nancy Drew mysteries.

The Witch Tree Symbol-Nancy and her friends head to Amish country where Nancy’s sleuthing ends up with her getting hexed. This isn’t the first book to delve into this trope especially in the Nancy Drew series but I enjoyed how Keene truly made the supernatural curse seem plausible. I also liked the little Amish romances and traditions strewn throughout.

The Hidden Window Mystery– Nancy goes to Charlottesville,NC to check out old castles but the titular mysterious window is key to lots of trouble as some thief tries to use its stained glass for his own get rich profit. I’ll admit out of the vacation books, this one bored me and ends with the predictable Nancy friends getting their fortunes restored ending.

The Haunted Showboat-Nancy’s trip to New Orleans is so fun when she faces voodoo, Mardi Gras, masquerades and suave con men trying to filch rich debutantes. I loved the atmosphere and the romance between Ned and Nancy in the lights of an old-timy showboat and Southern heat.

The Secret of the Golden Pavilion-The book starts strong with Nancy’s house getting robbed for its mysterious Hawaiian figurine. Determined to figure out why it’s importany good luck charm that thieves would target their house, Nancy’s father and friends head to Hawaii. The troubles at the rich Sakamaki estate seem to be mysteriously tied to it and yes, there’s another stolen estate for Nancy to uncover for her friends. This was a fun mystery and seems to be sensitive to Hawaiian locals. However, I was a bit disappointed that Nancy was trapped in another cave instead of trapped near the volcano. Take advantage of the location!

The Clue in the Old Stagecoach-A bit more forgettable as this is just a rural old town on its luck trying to use its famous stage coach to raise money when it gets hikacked. Nancy saves the day as usual. Honestly, it’s at the same meh level as the Hidden Window with the most exciting part was her facing off a bear!

The Mystery of the Fire Dragon-Big troubles in Chinatown!!! Aunt Eloise’s new neighbor Grandpa Soong’s granddaughter Chi Chi is kidnapped and so Nancy goes investigates the reclusive citizens of Chinatown. Ends up in a high flying adventure literally when she is almost sent to Taipei!! Still, it does not age well as almost all the Chinatown citizens are depicted as clannish and suspicious and cannot speak beyond pidgen English. Not to mention the whole George pretending to be Chi Chi.

The Clue of the Dancing Puppet-If you fear marionettes and puppets, this book isn’t for you as a creepy toy threatens the performance. Not only does Nancy have to step in the lead role much to Ned’s consternation of her kissing someone else but she must contend with the jealously theatrical Tammi. There’s a girl fight and it’s hilarious. Honestly the drama backstage overshadowed the mystery, but hey, that’s entertainment!

The Moonstone Castle Mystery-Another lost girl is found when Nancy investigates the disappearance and reappearance of Joanie Bowen. Although the original mystery took place in Africa, the old secrets come to NY to roost. Keene’s new con regarding the fate of the Bowens and Joanie was actually really clever and insidious, and that upped the stakes I think.

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