Book of the Month: Little Women

Little Women is close to a global phenomena. From Japan to Ecuador to the U.S. where the author originates, people around the world know about the March sisters and their highs and lows as they grow up in the 1860s.

Except my friend who somehow lived under a rock. She never seen any of the movies, never read the book, she didn’t even know the names of the sisters much less the major plotlines. I didn’t think that was possible since it is so well-known in pop culture. Like Jane Austen. Or at least Pride and Prejudice. You just know it.

Which brings to one of the points we discussed that it is interesting that both books occur in the 19th century but are vastly different culturally with Austen being more constrained with emphasis on class differences (and much more romance obviously) while Alcott focuses on the character’s inner journeys like Jo’s career as a writer.

Not that there isn’t romance to discuss like the infamous Jo/Laurie/Amy. Perhaps it is because she didn’t grow up with it but her feelings about JoxLaurie vs LauriexAmy aren’t that intense. I dislike the pairing because it is basically a spite pairing by Alcott and Jo and Laurie jsut have chemistry. Even if they are too similar and argue, it’s like those arguements aren’t fierce debates but they challenge each other. My friend gets why Laurie and Amy get together but she too admits it’s not OTP like Jo and Laurie would have been.

Let’s see, there’s not much else to retread but she cried when Beth died, I did not. I found Marmee to be a bit hypocritical in letting Amy get away with stuff. Like yes, there’s the infamous burning Jo’s only manuscript but also when she’s older and she basically decides that she’s going to marry rich. After pages of preaching about being good Christians, does Marmee say anything about this sinfulness? Nope, doesn’t say a word. Like if that was any of the other sisters, there’d be talks about Christian duties to let the Lord provide what he can. There was nothing!

Also Marmee’s lesson about laziness by not reminding the girls of their chores and essentially lets Beth’s bird die. Not cool. I thought it was part of the Christian duty to look after God’s creatures, not let them needlessly starve to prove a point. Yeesh.

So yeah, Marmee doesn’t come out well in these modern eyes.

Anyway, my friend has finally join the rest of the known world in reading Little Women and the next book on our list is the manga, Spy x Family.

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